Preload image: /images/menu_left_hilight.png Preload image: /images/menu_mid_hilight.png Preload image: /images/menu_right_hilight.png Preload image: /images/menu-local_left_hilight.png Preload image: /images/menu-local_mid_hilight.png Preload image: /images/menu-local_right_hilight.png

Unofficial CSM Thesis Template - Advanced Topics

Custom Commands


Adds a caption for a figure where only part of the caption appears in the table of contents.


Adds an abbreviation for a phase that then appears in the \listofabbreviations table.


Adds a "pocket appendix item" to the table of contents.


Adds a symbol for a concept that then appears in the \listofsymbols table


Adds a chapter-style appendix section.

\atom{mass number}{proton number}{symbol}{ionization}{# atoms}

Inserts a chemical symbol for an atom in a way that does not conflict with the PDF index.


Inserts a figure in a fairly automatic fashion (no need to manually resize or create a float).


Similar to \csmfigure, with an added option for a long caption (which does not appear in the table of contents).


Outputs a list of all of the abbreviations used in the document (see \addabbreviation).


Outputs a list of all of the figures and tables used in the document.


Outputs a list of all of the symbols used in the document (see \addsymbol).


Adds a copyright page with the indicated year/years.

Custom Environments

\begin{abstract} ... nd{abstract}

A special environment for the abstract. This environment automatically detects abstracts that exceed 350 words and displays a warning for PhD candidates that the abstract may require revision.

\begin{acknowledgements} ... nd{acknowledgements}

A special environment for the acknowledgements section.

\begin{dedication} ... nd{dedication}

A special environment for the dedication page. This page is typeset vertically and horizontally centered without a title.

\begin{selected-bibliography} ... nd{selected-bibliography}

A special environment for the "Selected Bibliography" section.